Monday, June 4, 2018

Harvest Monday - June 4th, 2018

 This post is part of the Harvest Monday Series over at Our Happy Acres.

Still not a lot going on here. Sad small garlic harvest. I planted it too late in a location where it didn't get enough light or water. 

Inchelium Red deliberately photographed with nothing for scale. 

Last three leeks. 
King Richard. That blanching though!
Sad harvest. Picked a huge quantity of green tomatoes to ripen inside and culled five (5!) diseased plants in an attempt to save the rest. Two Amish Paste (aka Patient Zero), Blush, Sunrise Bumblebee, and a Pink Berkeley Tie Dye plant that actually showed no signs of disease, but was really just in the thick of it. 
Also pictured my boyfriend who came to take the green tomatoes inside and also brought me a glass of wine because I was extraordinarily salty about having to pull this many plants this early. 


  1. What a bummer that you have lost some of your tomato plants. I lost one early on, but had time to replace it. I planted garlic way the spring. We usually plant in October here, but I didn't cause we were so busy. Then I saw some garlic seed at the box store in early spring and thought what the heck I'll give it a try. We'll see what we get! The tops look great but who knows what is going on underneath.

    1. I had a similar situation. Looks like I ordered it for 50% off in the middle of October. I'm not sure I got it in the ground until November. The cloves I got in right away looked decent, considering the poor location. It's the ones that were obviously replanted when other ones didn't sprout that are particularly pathetic.

  2. I'm sorry about your tomato plants. Do you think it's a fungal disease or bacterial? Serenade is an organic treatment for both. I had to use it to treat tomato speck that I got from contaminated seed.

    Your leeks are incredible with nice long pale shanks. I'm trying to grow them again, hopefully third time's the charm.

    1. I have no absolutely no idea. I'm convinced it came from bad seeds, but tomato diagnosing feels like reading tea leaves or something. I'm going to order some serenade.

  3. The garlic looks very edible if not as large as you hoped. Too bad about the tomatoes. I am thankful I have few issues with mine. I think it would take more than a glass of wine for me if I had to start ripping up the vines!
