Monday, July 16, 2018

Harvest Monday - July 16th, 2018

This post is part of the Harvest Monday series over at Our Happy Acres.

More of the same over here and I'm not mad about it. 

Trombocino, Armenian cucumbers, an avalanche of fairy tale eggplants, shishito peppers, some green chiles. 

Last year I said I wasn't going to grow Sungold again. On a whim I ordered a packet from a different company (Territorial) and this selection is so much better. Large firm fruits that don't split. Big enough to be worth harvesting. Sweet and tart. I wish I'd planted more than one vine. 

Piccolo Dattero is another recommendation I took from Michelle's blog. It's incredible. It has these especially fat trusses and the fruits are tasty and easy to harvest. It's not my very favorite flavor of cherry tomato, but it is really good and I will definitely be growing it again.

Green chiles. These were getting sunscald so I picked them on the early side. They're good, but they'll be better later in the summer. 

Joe E Parker from Renee's

Monday, July 9, 2018

Harvest Monday - July 9th, 2018

I have been out of town / it is peak summer vegetable season, so lots of people who are not me are harvesting things and sometimes things go directly from the vine to the grill and/or my mouth.

~~***In other words, this post is a hot mess***~~~
(Get ready for some terrible pictures.)

First Armenian cucumber. I planted four of these plants for some reason!
About to have five hundred. 
First zucchini and first trombocino. Terrible picture because these went directly onto the grill. The trombocino vine has already overgrown its 8 ft trellis and is climbing up a tree now.
In this picture I am screaming "Can't you hold them anyway that doesn't look like a wiener?!"

Tomatoes. They've been trickling in for awhile, I've just been bad at documenting them. Most of them have gone to roommates or friends. So as of writing this I've only tried a few of the varieties I'm growing. 

I took most of my seed suggestions this year from Michelle at From Seed to Table. Even though we live in very different climates we seem to be a similarish distance from the ocean (maybe) and gardening California is radically different from how my parents or anyone I know gardens. So any advice I can get is good advice, but also Michelle's advice is really good.

The real stand out of my garden this year is Jaune Flamme. Seriously these are SO good. Each plant is loaded with smallish to medium size fruits and they taste incredible! Tart and delicious. I just love this tomato.

The red tomatoes are Carmello. I like this tomato! It's easy, prolific. The fruits are pretty and tasty. I like my tomatoes more on the acidic side and this is definitely that.

The big stripey tomatoes were the only type I grew that I hadn't read about on a blog. Pink Berkeley Tie Dye and so far I'm so impressed. Incredible disease resistance. Very prolific for having such large fruit. No splitting yet. I'm also growing black krim this year and Pink Berkeley is putting it to shame. These taste great. 

 Fairytale and Patio baby. Still churning out fruits. 

 For the fourth of July we had a ton of things from my garden. Bean salad (Maxibel beans! They're so good!), Jaunne Flamme tomato and moz salad with some yard basil, hella squash. 

Anyway, happy summer.